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First platinum trophy! March 14, 2010

Posted by justafatcat in Gaming, PS3.
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Hooray! my first platinum trophy ever! It is from Bayonetta. 2 months since I bought the game and 30 hour of game play I finally get last trophy I need for platinum one which is discover all chest. It took me awhile to recheck every possible location for chest and found one I missed, it was in chapter 10 on street arch, very easy to miss if you ask me 😦

Bayonetta, Oh My February 8, 2010

Posted by justafatcat in Gaming, PS3.
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First thing that caught my eyes about this game is 40/40 score received from Famitsu magazine. I only know Famitsu is games news, review sort of Japanese magazine, heard its name few times before, hell I don’t even read it but I suppose it would be worth my time to read this game review since only 12 games in this century made 40/40 (or they just made a good advertising) After first review I read here here I try to find more review and possibly game play video and trailer, surprisingly there are A LOT of them out there here and here about a month ago and I was like wow, it is an amazing game from what I can tell in those videos and trailers I watched and I was so excited to play it. Although I was worried a bit about frame rate and loading issues on PS3 people reported so I decided to wait couples day so I can get more feedback. I can pretty much say there wasn’t any good feedback on PS3 version, most of feedback were complaining about loading time which is way too long and can ruin game experience easily, thinking about you just finish couple waves of mob and about to fight boss then you have to wait 3 minutes for game to load 😦 hell even entering game menu still take time to load, unable to install game on hard drive is the problem everyone was talking about, either that or frame rate that usually drop low on some fighting scene. That pretty much kills my idea of getting this game.

However recently released game update changes all of that, it seem they don’t fix frame rate issue but able to install game to hard drive is good enough to eliminate long loading time between each scene or menu. I hit the shop that weekend and rush back home just to find that I have to wait two and a half hour to download patch then another 10 minutes to install game to hard drive 😦 anyhow it was worth the trouble.  Game is so amazing granted I never play Devil May Cry series before, combo, dodge, cut scene or even a training are very exciting to me. I spend couple hour smashing Ο and Δ mindlessly and only finish chapter 1 T-T I still need tons of dodging and combo practice, combo timing is little hard to get use to, although extensive Bayonetta this coming weekend could helps 😀